QMail – Test

Testiamo il corretto funzionamento del nostro server di posta; partiamo creando un utente di test e vediamo cosa succede se proviamo a consegnargli una mail.

Creazione utente di test

# /home/vpopmail/bin/vadduser dave@anthesia.lan

Messaggio da utente inesistente

# yum -y install telnet
# telnet qmail.anthesia.lan 25
Connected to qmail.anthesia.lan.
Escape character is '^]'.
220 qmail.anthesia.lan ESMTP
helo anthesia.lan
250 qmail.anthesia.lan
mail from: notexistentuser@notexistentdomain.com
550 5.1.8 sorry, can't find a valid MX for sender domain (chkuser)

Dal file di log /var/qmail/qmail-smtpd/current possiamo vedere che:

@40000000527bd6b51f9a242c tcpserver: status: 1/20
@40000000527bd6b51f9dfc8c tcpserver: pid 6911 from
@40000000527bd6b51fd7c19c tcpserver: ok 6911 qmail.anthesia.lan: :
@40000000527bd6cd37376234 CHKUSER rejected sender: from <notexistentuser@notexistentdomain.com::> remote <anthesia.lan:unknown:> rcpt <> : invalid sender MX domain

Quindi il nostro server rifiuta correttamente messaggi inviati da untenti appartenenti a domini inesistenti restituendo come codice di errore 5.1.8.

Messaggio da sender corretto ma destinatario (recipient) non esistente:

# telnet qmail.anthesia.lan 25
Connected to qmail.anthesia.lan.
Escape character is '^]'.
220 qmail.anthesia.lan ESMTP
helo anthesia.net
250 qmail.anthesia.lan
mail from: notification+piledoh1@facebookmail.com
250 ok
rcpt to: ciccio@anthesia.lan
550 5.1.1 sorry, no mailbox here by that name (chkuser)

Anche in questo caso il nostro server rifiuta il messaggio restituendo codice di errore 5.1.1.

Sender corretto e un recipient valido:

# telnet qmail.anthesia.lan 25
Connected to qmail.anthesia.lan.
Escape character is '^]'.
220 qmail.anthesia.lan ESMTP
helo anthesia.lan
250 qmail.anthesia.lan
mail from: notification+piledoh1@facebookmail.com
250 ok
rcpt to: dave@anthesia.lan
250 ok
354 go ahead
From:  notification+piledoh1@facebookmail.com
To: dave@anthesia.lan
Subject: Prova di mail

Corpo della mail
250 ok 1383848057 qp 6932

Dal file di log /var/qmail/qmail-smtpd/current:

@40000000527bd8411c93be14 tcpserver: status: 1/20
@40000000527bd8411c97ade4 tcpserver: pid 6929 from
@40000000527bd8411d46b294 tcpserver: ok 6929 qmail.anthesia.lan: :
@40000000527bd84d2eb340ec CHKUSER accepted sender: from <notification+piledoh1@facebookmail.com::> remote <anthesia.lan:unknown:> rcpt <> : sender accepted
@40000000527bd852347e398c CHKUSER accepted rcpt: from <notification+piledoh1@facebookmail.com::> remote <anthesia.lan:unknown:> rcpt <dave@anthesia.lan> : found existing recipient
@40000000527bd88307456594 mail recv: pid 6929 from <notification+piledoh1@facebookmail.com> qp 6932
@40000000527bd8830745697c qmail-smtpd: message accepted: notification+piledoh1@facebookmail.com from to dave@anthesia.lan helo anthesia.lan
@40000000527bd88622b0747c tcpserver: end 6929 status 0
@40000000527bd88622b07864 tcpserver: status: 0/20

e dal file /var/log/qmail/qmail-send/current:

@40000000527bd83636489564 new msg 394053
@40000000527bd83636489564 info msg 394053: bytes 334 from <notification+piledoh1@facebookmail.com> qp 6923 uid 66
@40000000527bd8363648c82c starting delivery 1: msg 394053 to local anthesia.lan-dave@anthesia.lan
@40000000527bd8363648cc14 status: local 1/10 remote 0/20
@40000000527bd8363982501c delivery 1: success: did_0+0+1/
@40000000527bd8363983ceec status: local 0/10 remote 0/20
@40000000527bd836398cf2c4 end msg 394053
@40000000527bd88307953b14 new msg 394053
@40000000527bd88307953efc info msg 394053: bytes 398 from <notification+piledoh1@facebookmail.com> qp 6932 uid 66
@40000000527bd88307953efc starting delivery 2: msg 394053 to local anthesia.lan-dave@anthesia.lan
@40000000527bd883079542e4 status: local 1/10 remote 0/20
@40000000527bd8830811b644 delivery 2: success: did_0+0+1/
@40000000527bd8830812eadc status: local 0/10 remote 0/20
@40000000527bd883081315d4 end msg 394053

Quindi il nostro server funziona come ci aspettiamo.

Test su SMTP Auth

Testiamo ora il funzionamento dell’smtp autenticato sulla porta 587 con autenticazione “AUTH LOGIN”. La prima cosa da fare è prendere l’encoding in base64 della username e della password che vogliamo usare per spedire mail:

# printf "dave@anthesia.lan" | base64
   ZGF2ZUBhbnRoZXNpYS5sYW4=            <=== Encoding in base64 della username
# printf "davepwd" | base64
   ZGF2ZXB3ZA==                        <=== Encoding in base64 della password
# openssl s_client -starttls smtp -crlf -connect
depth=0 C = IT, ST = Italy, L = Florence, O = Anthesia Ltd, OU = IT Department, CN = qmail.anthesia.lan, emailAddress = dave@anthesia.lan
verify error:num=18:self signed certificate
verify return:1
depth=0 C = IT, ST = Italy, L = Florence, O = Anthesia Ltd, OU = IT Department, CN = qmail.anthesia.lan, emailAddress = dave@anthesia.lan
verify return:1
Certificate chain
 0 s:/C=IT/ST=Italy/L=Florence/O=Anthesia Ltd/OU=IT Department/CN=qmail.anthesia.lan/emailAddress=dave@anthesia.lan
   i:/C=IT/ST=Italy/L=Florence/O=Anthesia Ltd/OU=IT Department/CN=qmail.anthesia.lan/emailAddress=dave@anthesia.lan
Server certificate
subject=/C=IT/ST=Italy/L=Florence/O=Anthesia Ltd/OU=IT Department/CN=qmail.anthesia.lan/emailAddress=dave@anthesia.lan
issuer=/C=IT/ST=Italy/L=Florence/O=Anthesia Ltd/OU=IT Department/CN=qmail.anthesia.lan/emailAddress=dave@anthesia.lan
No client certificate CA names sent
SSL handshake has read 2027 bytes and written 345 bytes
New, TLSv1/SSLv3, Cipher is DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA
Server public key is 2048 bit
Secure Renegotiation IS supported
Compression: NONE
Expansion: NONE
    Protocol  : TLSv1
    Cipher    : DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA
    Session-ID: AFCF67C130AA4CED59F2B04B5387EDD9B96141D2641CEF07007E1BC951BB4604
    Master-Key: 423D5F68183235790886C207C0503F4D2370450D366840BA9880B60BD4D72B0A5E926B920A77B5A07AD95DB2EB9E8431
    Key-Arg   : None
    Krb5 Principal: None
    PSK identity: None
    PSK identity hint: None
    TLS session ticket:
    0000 - a0 07 59 35 ca 92 82 87-a6 29 e9 6d 13 40 3d ed   ..Y5.....).m.@=.
    0010 - 5e 90 46 50 22 82 a0 54-9e b8 76 97 28 50 16 b4   ^.FP"..T..v.(P..
    0020 - 31 4e ed 0f 96 7e da 25-c2 ec bc ff 48 a3 de d1   1N...~.%....H...
    0030 - a0 58 fb f2 bf b7 ac 04-5f a6 67 74 97 41 37 05   .X......_.gt.A7.
    0040 - ae fb 1d 3d c1 f3 9e a1-63 37 b2 e6 f7 b3 51 70   ...=....c7....Qp
    0050 - 2d 4c 0d 54 b3 e8 35 53-d9 70 63 5a e7 7e 2c b6   -L.T..5S.pcZ.~,.
    0060 - ea ed 33 9c 0a bf 31 72-6f 5a 05 27 fc 95 2e 82   ..3...1roZ.'....
    0070 - cf 89 13 a9 73 28 2e 1d-f3 ac 56 ed 10 e6 ad 15   ....s(....V.....
    0080 - 13 2d 6b 1a bb 52 74 aa-62 08 80 32 f5 6a 9d 74   .-k..Rt.b..2.j.t
    0090 - f7 af c4 13 65 0b af 45-58 fb 72 ee 0c 52 c3 f9   ....e..EX.r..R..

    Start Time: 1383850820
    Timeout   : 300 (sec)
    Verify return code: 18 (self signed certificate)
250 SIZE 20000000
auth login                           
334 VXNlcm5hbWU6
ZGF2ZUBhbnRoZXNpYS5sYW4=              <=== Inseriamo la nostra username in base64
334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6
ZGF2ZXB3ZA==                          <=== Inseriamo la nostra password in base64 
235 ok, go ahead (#2.0.0)
mail from: lellothemagic@anthesia.lan
250 ok
rcpt to: dave@anthesia.lan
250 ok
354 go ahead
subject: test mail
to: dave@anthesia.lan
from: lellothemagic@anthesia.lan

Messaggio di test inviato tramite telnet
250 ok 1383850940 qp 7102

Anche in questo caso in nostro server funziona come da aspettative.

Vedremo ora come integrare nel server di posta il controllo antivirus e antispam

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